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Disponibile dal: Jul 29, 2020

In stock

Disponibile dal: Jul 29, 2020



Power balls are special balls to train Strength, Power and Speed with an innovative and unique method. They're also known as “no-bouncing balls”, because they have a great feature: they do not rebounce when fallen, so they have to be recollected and lifted from the ground after each rep. They have a soft handle that permits a tough grip during all liftings and throwings, adding strength and speed to movements. Working with Power Balls gives benefits which are similar to olympic liftings. These balls make the muscles in the central part of the body work hard: the so-called “Core”, that connects each one of the three back components: hips, core itself and shoulders. The central part of the body has the most important function: to substain body balance durinf liftings or to give speed to the ball during the famous “Ball Slams”. The coverage is particularly resistant and it is made to last. On the external part there are protuberances that give a better grip during throwings, just like baseballs which have big seams no to lose them from hands and to improve speed when thrown. Enjoy throwing and hitting them stronger and stronger and be sure that nothing could destroy your Power Balls, also because they have a great inflation autoregulation system. Have Fun! *We suggest to buy at least 3 Power Balls to guarantee an ideal and progressive choice of loads when training.

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